It's been an interesting August so far. Heatwaves, weed, wrong wind direction for decent racing and all the greens closed on the golf course. However, on the bright side I have been able to catch up in the garden completing the irrigation system which was essential during the drought and trying to work out how a Gizmo works on a Marblehead A rig. As it happens I probably don't need to worry about it for now.
I have managed to sail the Marblehead for a few days at Frensham which was good practice for sailing backwards as I regularly clear the weed off the fins. The rigs look really nice and I am looking forward to get into some competition. Unfortunately the next ranking event is up in Yorkshire an I am not sure I want to do the 4.5 hour drive.
I see the Worlds IOM competitor list is published and I wish our 10 competitors the very best of luck. Not surprisingly the list of Croatian competitors all sail Kantuns. I wonder why that is?