A final word
A thank you and request for help

I would like to say a big thank you for visiting this IOMBuildSetupTuneRace site. My goal is to consolidate and share information on IOM and radio sailing on the web site and combine it my own dinghy racing experience over 35 years. It was built out of my frustration getting access to good information on radio sailing and particularly IOM boats. I used to work for a company that collected data and presented it online to customers (for a large fee of course) so this was a logical step for me.
The web site is now complete from a racing and boat build point of view and I hope it will help newcomers and existing owners. The next stage is to focus on advanced racing techniques and observation on mast sail combinations to truly understand what the best setup is. It is a constant learning process. If there is anything else you would like covered I would be delighted to research and publish. Please let me know.
One favour I would ask is for feedback. They say that no news is good news but I would like to hear what you think. Send me links to any boat build projects you have and I will add these to the site. I have detailed an epoxy build but would like to reference more woody projects.