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Its Repository of all things IOM, Marblehead and DF95 and 65 although there is a lot of work to do on the M section
Please note that Any text in blue contains a link. Click on it to go to the website site/section
This site contains:
All key tips and tricks documents and videos I discovered on the web
Links to suppliers and associations
A section on how to prepare and get round the race course faster
An advanced racing section. What the top skippers don't want you to know
A descriptive and pictorial view of the build of two epoxy/glass boats
An Acknowledgement to all those who helped me on my journey
A blog on tips and tricks and my racing journal
Sign up as a member and get your copy of "Thought for the day" by mail.
There are 4 sections.
1 A catalogue of websites for boat manufacturers, sailmakers, fitting suppliers etc. See the menu "Useful web sites"
2 Details on everything I have learnt over my sailing career along with the best tips from the web to get round a race course in the fastest way. See the menu "Racing Tips". I am adding to this topic all the time.
3 A pictorial view of the build of my own boats and the working up of IOM, M and DF95.
4 "Thought for the day" on the menu above is my blog on aspects of tuning and racing an IOM and shares my progress campaigning around the country.
If you like the site or would like to see other information, please send a message and sign up to be a member