Useful references
Sites and books that may help you

The detail
I thought it might be useful to point out a few references that have many useful tips.
The first is the MYA Handbook from 2009 which is on the MYA site. This handbook contained so many useful ideas from building and sailing your radio yacht to managing events, laying marks, measuring, sailmaking and so much more. Here is the link to the handbook on the MYA site
In fact the MYA website is a rich source of information and should be thoroughly investigated.
There are 3 sources of tactical information I found particularly helpful.
“The tactics of sailboat racing” by Peter Czajka and covers tactics v strategy, tactics and rules, tactics for beginners and a crash course in rules. Peter Czajka has been intensively involved in competitive sailing since the age of 14. In earlier years he was successful in 470s, Lasers and Darts. Up until a couple of years ago, he was still regularly found at Sprinto Regattas, or as Helmsman or Tactician at various offshore regattas. Today he is active as a race official for the Austrian Sailing Federation and, as an umpire or jury member at international Regattas.
“Race tactics for radio control model sailboats”. Narrabeen Sailing. Covers all aspects of model yacht racing with videos and an hour long presentation by Peter Isler on Starting. As an aside I love their attitude to sailing. “While racing is taken seriously, there is still a relaxed atmosphere. Sailing halts for 15 minutes for a morning smoko at 10:00 am - and members meet for lunch at a local cafe most Tuesdays. A Family Regatta with barbeque is held every six months or so.”
John's RC racing rules and tactics including the changes in the new 2021-2024 rules. These articles are written for the beginner to intermediate RC Yacht Racing Sailors yet may be a good refresher for those with more experience. They have been updated to reflect the Racing Rules of Sailing (the RRS) 2021 - 2024 that came into effect Jan 1, 2021.
The articles are organised into a series of chapters that start with some basics, and then lead you around the race course from the Start, to the Weather Mark, the Downwind Gate, and the Finish. The Hailing article covers various rules around the Race Course. There are a couple of Bonus items that discuss issues like the difference between Proper Course, Mark Room and Right of Way(ROW); what happens in a Protest Hearing; and to avoid a protest hearing, how to take a Penalty Turn.
Want to know the top boat designs from the last 6 worlds. Here they are in no particular order:
Finally if you want to brush up on your rules Try this book of quizzes.
For a taster look here and tell if you got any right. They are not easy.