Tuning your IOM
Sites on tuning

Brad Gibson zoom meeting Central Park Model Yacht club
Jib Pivot tutorial Sailboat RC
Kantuns sheet and rc configuration Sailboat RC
Building a rig BG Sails and Design
BG Sails Rig tuning guide BG Sails and Design
Zvonko Jelacic Kantun 2 guide Sailboat RC
How to set your rig up Ian Vickers
Frequently Asked Questions Sailsetc
Setting up a rig Peter Sutton Dell Quay
US Tuning of IOM Anacortes Radio Control Sailors
Make a wire Bowsie Roger Stollery
Technical info on model yachts Lester Gilbert
Rig setup Frank Russell Design
Rubik's rig setup and tuning John Taylor, Taylor Made Yachts
How to tune a Shiraz John Taylor, Taylor Made Yachts
Rule changes and tactics John Ball CYRA
Click here For other interesting Seattle IOM Updates
Interview with Brad Gibson Seatle IOM Update. Scroll down to bottom for interview 2012
Tuning an IOM rig Ben Morris Stirling Marblehead Yacht RC
Set up and rigging of a plan B Useful guide and good tips for setting up an IOM