After cleaning out the radio pot support and buying some more lead shot from a fishing shop, I moulded some new corrector weights which sit low and across the boat and not fore and aft. The old correctors were entirely aft of the fin box. The new correctors which ensure the boat balances exactly on its marks (described in the previous post), are just forward of the aft edge of the fin box which I calculate moves the centre of the 260gm corrector 5+ cm forward. The correctors and radio pot were bonded back in with clear silicon and all that needs to be done is to check weigh the boat and I estimate I will need to bond 10-15gm into the radio pot once I can get hold of an accurate set of scales.
It will be interesting to see if this fixes my downwind woes and gives me a little extra speed upwind. I am sure it will help.
Last job is to change the sheets which are showing signs of wear after a few months rough use.
Back at Gosport on Tuesday.
Good sailing and wrap up warm if you are in the UK.