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Thought for the Day - No report from Bournville

Sadly I had to pull out of racing tomorrow as the virus that held me back last week is still with me.

On another note I started my role as racing officer for the MYA. Past and current volunteers have done an amazing job building up the documents and rules and regulations over time. My role is to look after the MYA diary and all matters around racing. It should be fun and I have the support of a lot of members. If you want to come and help and be part of a racing team or have ideas on how we can do things better, let me know. I am also building a checklist for running larger events. If the MYA team approve it it will go on the web site. If not you can get it informally directly from me. It covers everything in the race documentation on the MYA knowledge base

One thing that came out of last weekend was a need to change my mast. David Potter supplied the mast with prebend and after a while I thought I would need more prebend. How wrong I was. All I managed to do was put in too much prebend and a slight kink in the mast so when it bent it would not match the luff curve of the sail. Now I have a new spar fitted out with 12mm pre bend, its matches the sail luff curve perfectly. Last weekend, the mainsail looked like a sack of potatoes which was how I felt as well. Now I can bend the mast perfectly for light and heavy weather.

There are a couple of jobs to do. Replace the training A rig main boom and drill out a new jib boom for the new jibs for later this year.

Next racing is at Poole a week Sunday

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Feb 11, 2023

I hope you feel better soon!

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