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Watching the Thursday evening racing

Arrived in Fleetwood yesterday evening to be greeted with some local fleet racing. There was a yellow boat winning every race and it looks like Rob Walsh was the driver. His technique to windward is fascinating as he is able to sail his boat very high and yet maintain speed at the same time. How many championships has he won?

Fleetwood is a brilliant location for model yacht racing. If the wind blows up and down the lake as it has been for the last couple of days we’re in for a fascinating weekend.

there is a bank on one side of the lake which is about 15 feet high and if you step over it and look to the north you can see mud as far as the eye can see across Morecambe Bay but the view is amazing with the Lake District and coastline. The sand flats are not somewhere I care to venture but I understand the Cockle fishing is very good.

It’s measuring day today with the serious business starting tomorrow.

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